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North Wing
Home Up BGAE Intro Hovercraft repair Black Isle 1 Black Isle 2 Pedestrian District Nutripils Factory Nutripils factory 2 Nutripils Factory 3 Slaughterhouses: entry Surveillance Room North Wing East Wing and exit. Exit. The Beluga Mini-Missions Selene 1 Selene2 Endgame.


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The Slaughterhouses, part 3: North Wing.

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bulletTo the right of the waterfall, jump up the skeleton ramp and at the top turn right and dock.
bulletWall-hug to get past the narrow pipe opening. Crouch and forward roll towards the guard in the distance. 

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bullet1 guard.
bulletShoot a disk at the button to his left. He’ll fall down.
bulletStep on the platform. Shoot another disk.
bulletJump over and crouch under the 2 barriers.
bulletMove towards the next room. 

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bullet4 guards in fog room + instakill robot.   (= "M5 Laser Turrets")
Don't even think of fighting here!
bulletThe laser turrets will kill you instantly when the alarm is sounded. 



bulletThe guards cannot see you as long as you’re under the fog.
bulletAs soon as you reach the fog, crouch and forward roll x2 to enter the room. 
bulletTurn towards the guards, so you can see them.
bulletCrawl until you are just in front of the bump and between the 2 closest guards.
bulletWhen they are both looking away, forward roll over the bump.
bulletIf you have your direction straight, you’ll still be under the fog. 
bulletFollow the ditch and crawl forward and then to the left until just before the next bump. 
bulletWhen the middle guard looks away (to your right), forward roll x2 over the next 2 bumps and start running.
bulletAs long as you do not touch the guard, you can make it past him and through the door before he gives the alarm. 

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bullet1 fuse. Move on and kick the power box ahead. 
bulletRun zigzag past and jump over the blue laser beams to take the fuse at the end of the hall. 
bulletPlace the fuse in the receptacle next to the elevator and go up. Enter the next room. 

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bullet2 laser robots. Stand between the bots and jump aside just before they fire. 
bulletHit the one on the right into the barrier on that side and run through. 

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bulletIf you want the PA1, you’ll need to knock the second robot into the other barrier to the left, and make it past 2 alpha guards in the room behind the door.

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bulletWalk past the mines. 
bulletCutscene: 4 guards + instakill robot.  
bulletAs soon as you get to the door, crouch and roll/crawl until behind the little wall. 
bulletWhen the guard turns to go back, crawl behind him 
bulletHead somewhat to the left as soon as you're past the 2nd guard that is standing still. 
About halfway that stretch, forward roll x2 into the opening.
bulletAs long as you don’t touch the guard, you will get away with it.
bulletThey will call the alarm, but by that time, you’re already safe in the next room

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bulletBe careful not to touch the guard or you're toast. 

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bullet Take the pearl (#70=3). 
bulletCrouch in front of the opening
bulletShoot a disk at the walking guard when he’s at the end of his walk.
bulletThen just shoot the others one by one as they come to help. 
bulletGo back into the room, and exit through the door on the left. 

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bullet1 fuse.
bulletPush the crate ONCE towards the exit door to open the crawlway.
bulletStand in font of the electric box and line up your viewing angle with the hole.
bulletKick, crouch and roll x2 gets you in the other room.
bulletRun around the pedestal and leap-roll over the blue laser.
bulletTake the fuse. 
bulletCutscene: barrier down.
bulletExit by leap-rolling over and through the blue lasers again and use the elevator to go down. 

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bullet1 Guard.
bulletYou can run all the way through this room, and through the door near the pillar. 
bulletIf you want the PA1 in the room behind the guard, roll behind the pillar to shoot him.  ... minutes extra time.

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bullet1 guard. Roll forward and into the crawlspace to the other side. 
bulletHide behind the little wall.
bulletWhen the guard gets on the platform, shoot a disk at the button. 
bulletGet on the platform, shoot another disk. Move to the next room. 

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bullet3 guards. Hide behind the corner and shoot the guard that is walking by. When the next one comes, repeat. 
bulletWhen the third one goes, start running. If you don’t get away with it, super-attack to kill the remaining guard(s). 
bulletMove on and place the fuse in the receptacle. Roll under the half-open door and meet up with HH. 

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bulletSwitch off the red laser barrier. Jump up the open doorway straight ahead.  
bulletCutscene: Central hall - 3 guards.
bulletJump down and WALK halfway towards the lonely guard to shoot him. 

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bulletHH action button to keep the other guards busy while you super-attack them.
bulletTake the (1st?) mission report picture.
bulletHead back to the hovercraft and jump down the waterfall. 

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Continue with The Slaughterhouses, part 4:  the East Wing.

Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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