> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Computer Games

Hovercraft repair
Home Up BGAE Intro Hovercraft repair Black Isle 1 Black Isle 2 Pedestrian District Nutripils Factory Nutripils factory 2 Nutripils Factory 3 Slaughterhouses: entry Surveillance Room North Wing East Wing and exit. Exit. The Beluga Mini-Missions Selene 1 Selene2 Endgame.


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The Hovercraft repair Mission

play/stop MP3 

bulletRead the Mdisk.

0113.jpg (98577 bytes)

Cutscene: “Can't go there”.  0115.jpg (85661 bytes) 0116.jpg (75776 bytes)  0117.jpg (86496 bytes) 0119.jpg (63538 bytes)


bulletWhen you leave the workshop, you will get a brief instructional scene: "New objective. <Tab> to consult."
bulletYou can ignore this, because you already are reading here what you need to do... "  :-)

bulletGo down towards the water and push the big generator to the end of the pier. Pey'j will come and help you.

  0120.jpg (76655 bytes) 0121.jpg (75127 bytes)

Cutscene: battery charges.  0122.jpg (108442 bytes) 0123.jpg (85321 bytes) 0124.jpg (66019 bytes)

bulletTake picture of Pey’j Sus Sapiens (3). 
bulletGo to the end of the dock and take picture of the fish in the water Dipneustes Trilineatus (4)  

0125.jpg (81586 bytes) 0126.jpg (28512 bytes) 
bulletOn the work bench are 2 boosters and 2 repair PODs.

bulletBoard the hovercraft and leave.
bulletThe hovercraft breaks down.

0127.jpg (85927 bytes)

Posted on YouTube:


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Cutscene: Mammago.
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bulletBuy the Speedcraft motor. (-1=0) 

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bulletThe  vending machines  at Mammago's garage have throughout the game:
bullet(2) Meca-Impulsers,
bulletmany PODS and sets of PODs,    
bulletsome health food items.

Cutscene: "Issam!"
0138.jpg (87585 bytes)

bulletTake a picture of the attendant Rhinoceros Sapiens (5) and leave.

   0141.jpg (82860 bytes)

Cutscene: Domz attack. 0144.jpg (79805 bytes)

bulletMission: Fight and kill the Domz monster. 
bulletDon’t bother taking a picture now. Easier opportunity later in the game, without risk.
If you do, you’ll probably get hit pretty hard, and that loses you time in the fight. 
bulletFor the fight:
bulletKeep forward speed and follow closely behind the monster. 
bulletSteer as needed to keep on target so that every shot counts.  Shoot as fast as you can.


Cutscene: The monster dies.

bulletPick up the pearl, (#2=1)
bulletGo into town. 


bulletYou do now have access to "Looter's cavern #1", on the beach to the left of the city gates.
bulletThere are many animals all over Hillys that you can take pictures of.
bulletBehind Mammago's garage is another beach (Vorax Lair).
bulletYou can pick up a PA1 there, and take another picture.
bulletYou will need to finish the Black Isle mission before you can get past the metal grate.


Cutscene: They got through. 

bulletAt this time, you have only partial access to the pedestrian district.
bulletYou can take  pictures
bulletexplore some, and
bulletin the Akuda Bar play
bulletthe puck game and
bulletthe coconut game.
bulletYou can enter races 1 + 2.


bulletContinue through town to Southgate to Black Island. 
bulletSwitch to camera view, while continuing to advance. 
bulletWhen close to the red and white boat, take a picture of the scorpion fish Rascax Caeruleus.  (6)
bulletContinue on to Black Island.

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Continue: The Black Isle Mission

Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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