Welcome to this test-run of my revised website.

Geert's Ave Maria pages - Home page

I started a Facebook group "Ave Maria songs" https://www.facebook.com/groups/avemariasongs/
If you're interested in Ave Maria songs, please join!
Play/stop MIDI
alt : Play Gyldmark-Ave_Maria.mid
now playing: 
Ave Maria for voice + piano
by Hugo Gyldmark (1899 - 1971), 1949;
lyrics: Fra Kay Rostgaard-Frøhne

New to this website?

Before going further,
  1. Please read the COPYRIGHT NOTICE.
    Accessing this website means that you agree to this document.

  2. Please read the the Frequently Asked Questions. (FAQs)
    These pages explain how to navigate this website and the meaning of the symbols used in this website.

  3. This website is designed for a large screen of min. 1280px wide.
    The composer listings are 1640px wide, with fixed-size data tables.

    If you use a smaller screen resolution, our pages will be wider than your screen.
    1. You can resize the browser window by pushing [CTRL -] to see more without having to scroll sideways.
    2. If that makes the text too small, you can also increase the text size. (menu bar: View --> text size --> larger or largest.)
    Sorry mobile phone people!
    I don't see how I can possibly  fit a 17 column table onto a phone screen in a way that it would still make sense. 1280px it is.

  4. This is a website about Ave Maria songs = music!
    We want to let you hear and see the songs performed. (MIDI, MP3, video)
    Most pages in this website have mediaplayers, and they are set to start playing when you open the page!

    Do not open a second work page with a MIDI player, when you already have one open. 
    Apparently Windows mediaplayer holds on to the sound card as long as the page is open.
    When you open a second window, you'll see the player move, but you won't hear the music until the other window with a MIDI player has been closed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) = Legendum of this website.

An abbreviated sitemap of Geert's Ave Maria Pages:

These (and more) links are included in the navigation bars at the top of every page.
Other subjects:
  • Proyecto PROJIMO a community-based rehabilitation project in Sinaloa, Mexico
  • Computer Games
    • Beyond Good and Evil
    • B&W2: The Battle of the Gods
    • FarmVille

Mission Statement for this website:

This website wants to be the ultimate internet resource for Ave Maria songs.
  • Devotional
  • Informational
  • Educational
  • Archival
Find our mission statement and more on the "About us" page

On January 27, 2013, there were
  •    1531 Ave Maria MIDI files;
  •    2856 Ave Maria work-pages;
  • > 4000 Ave Maria listings in this website.
    (and even more than that now!)
I hope you enjoy the fruit of my labor of love. Have a prayerful time. Smiley-face

In this website we want to let you hear and see the songs performed. (MIDI, MP3, video)
It is therefore important that you are able to hear and see these media-players.

Just under the title above, you should see and hear a media-player playing a MIDI file.
If you do NOT see or hear that player, PLEASE EMAIL ME by clicking on this link
and specify in your message: your operating system + the name and version number of the browser in which you do NOT see or hear the player. Hopefully that will allow me to find some alternative coding for your browser.

This website has been edited and published with Microsoft Expression Web 4 free edition.
Unlike FrontPage, EW4 (supposedly) delivers standard-compliant XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
I hope that this choice may provide the better cross-browser compatibility for at least a few years.

Thank you for visiting!

Some pages are incomplete. This Site is and always will be under construction!
under-construction-a underconstruction
Please notify us of any broken/defective links

This website is a member of WebRings:

Page last modified: August 07, 2013