Ave Maria Op. 52/6  cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra  

Composer:  music: Max Bruch (1838-1920), 1889
                      text: Heinrich Bluthaupt


Max Bruch (1838 - 1920)

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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X X X Max   Bruch 1838-1920 1889 Ave Maria Op.52/6 (soprano) from Das Feuerkreuz, Op. 52  
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) Max   Bruch 1838-1920 1892 Ave Maria Op.61 for cello + piano/ orchestra  (BL)(UCLID) NV

Ave Maria, movement #6  cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra, in Op. 52Das Feuerkreuz,

Score / MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  

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Ave Maria (Segal)
tr11_Ave Maria (Bruch, Max)

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A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
Bruch Max dramatic choral and instrumental composer and pianist born at Cologne Jan 6 1S3S His mother nee Almen rader a singer was his first instructor 1 le afterwards studied with Breidenstein at Bonn In 1S53 llc gained the four year scholarship of the Mozart Foundation at Frankfort and became a pupil of Ferdinand Hiller Reinecke and Breuning At fourteen years of age he brought out a symphony at Cologne and in 1S58 in the same city produced his first dramatic work Goethe's Singspiel Scherz List und Roche op 1 In 1 861 he visited Berlin Leipzig Vienna Dresden Munich and Mannheim where he remained until 1S64 producing an opera Loreley composed to the libretto Geibel had written for Mendelssohn Here he also composed his choral work for men's voices Frithjof which on a tour in 1864 65 was given with genuine artistic and popular success at Aix Leipzig and Vienna At Koblenz 1S65 67 he wrote his first violin concerto G minor a favorite with all violinists In Berlin where he resided 1871 73 he produced in 1872 with but scanty success his opera Iftrmione based on Shakespeare's Winter's Tale From 1S73 78 with the exception of two artistic journeys to England he remained at Bonn devoting himself to composition and producing the choral works Arniinius and Lied von tier ilocke and the second violin concerto in I minor In 1883 Bruch visited the United States and brought out his A rminius at Boston Bruch's chief claim to distinction lies in his development of the epic cantata a branch of composition to which comparatively little attention had been paid Among his works in this line for soli mixed chorus and orchestra are Odysseus Arniinius Lied von der Glocke Achilleus and for male chorus Frithjof Salamis Normannenzug and Leoni diis op 66 Beautiful sound effects and clear melodious invention are prominent characteristics of his style Among his smaller works A ol NidrH a Hebrew melody for violoncello has become popular He has also written the cantata Das Feuerkrcuz op 52 1888 the oratorio Moses 1895 a third violin concerto in D minor op 61 and three symphonies Bruch practised as a music teacher at Cologne 185S 61 was musical director at Koblenz 1065 67 and court Kapelim at Sondershausen 1867 70 In 1S78 he succeeded Stockhausen as conductor of the Stern Choral Union Berlin in 1880 Benedict as conductor of the Philharmonic Society Liverpool and in 1883 Bernard Scholz in the direction of the Orchestral Society at Breslau He remained in Breslau until 1S90 and in 1892 he succeeded von Herzogenberg as director in the branch of composition at the Royal Hochschule in Berlin In 1SS1 B married the singer Fraulein Tuc zek of Berlin
International who's who in music and musical gazetteer, Volume 5 edited by César Saerchinger (1918)



BRUCH Max Composer pianist conductor and educator b Cologne Jan 6 1S33 stud music w his mother a singer w Briedenstein at Bonn w Ferdinand Hiller Reinecke and Breunlng at Frankfort Mozart Foundation Scholarship 1853 m Klara Tuczek 1881 Music teacher at Cologne 1858 61 lived at Mannheim and made tours to various German cities 1861 5 Musikdirektor at Koblenz 1865 7 court Kapellm at Sondershausen 1867 70 lived at Bonn 1870 78 cond Stern Choral Union 1878 80 cond Philharmonic Soc Liverpool 1880-3 dir Orchestral Soc Breslau 1883 90 dlr In composition at the Royal Hochschule Berlin 1892 1910 since then living in retirement Visited US 1883 producing his choral work Ar minius in Boston Comp for orchestra 1st Symphony E flat op 28 2nd Symphony F mln op 36 3rd Symphony E maj op 51 for piano Pieces op 11 12 14 Capricclo for 4 hands op 2 Concerto for 2 pianos and orch op 88 for violin 1st Concerto in G min op 26 2nd Concerto D mln op 44 3rd Concerto D mln op 68 Romanza in A min w orch op 42 Fantasy w orch op 46 Adagio appassionato w orch op 57 Swedish Dances w piano op 63 In Me moriam w orch op 65 Songs and Dances for vln and piano on Russian and Swedish folktunes for cello and orch Kol Nidrel Hebraic melody op 47 Canzona op 55 Adagio on Keltic melodies op 56; Ave Maria, op 61; choral works Jubilate Amen for sop solo mixed chor and orch op 3 Die Blrken und die Erlen for sop solo chor and orch op 8 4 male choruses with orch op 19 Die Flucht der helligen Famine for mixed chor with orch Frlth jof for bar and sop soli male chor and orch op 23 Schon Ellen ballade for sop solo mixed chor and orch op 24 Salamls for soil male chor and orch op 25 Frlth Jof auf seines Vaters GrabhUgel concert scene for bar solo female chor and orch op 27 Rorate caell for mixed chor orch and organ op 29 Die Flucht nach Egypten for sop solo female chor and orch op 31 Normannenzug for bar Bolo unison male chor and orch op 32 R6 mische Leichenfeier for mixed chor with orch op 34 Kyrie Sanctus and Agnus Del for double chor 2 sop soil orch and organ op 35 Das Lied vom deutschen Kaiser for mixed chor and orch op 37 Dlthy rambe for tenor Bolo 6 part chor and orch op 39 Odysseus for soli chor and orch op 41 Armtnlus oratorio for soil chor and orch op 43 Das Lied von der Glocke for soli chor orch and organ op 45 4 male choruses a cappella op 48 Achllleus for soil chor and orch op 50; Das Feuer kreuz dramatic cantata for soli chor and orch organ ad lib op 52; 2 male choruses op 53 Gruss an die hellige Nacht for alto solo chor orch and organ op 62 Hymn for soli mixed chor orch and organ op 64 Leonldas for bar solo male chor and orch op 66 Moses oratorio for soli orch and organ op 67 3 new male choruses w orch Seerauberlled Psalm 23 Krlegs gesang op 68 Sel getreu bis In den Tod for 5 part chor w org op 69 In der Nacht choral part song for alto ten 2 basses op 72 Gustav Adolf for soil chor orch and organ op 73 Herzog Mor itz war songs for male chor op 74 Der letzte Abschlcd des Volkes 1888 for male cnor orch and organ op 76 Dama Janti from the Hindu poem Nala und Damajantl for sop solo chor and orch op 78 Szene der Marfa for sop solo with orch from Schiller's Demetrius op 80 Osterkantate for sop solo mixed chor orch and organ op 81 Das Wesso brunner Gebet for mixed chor with orch and organ arr from male ch in op 19 op 82 Sechs Lieder for mixed chorus op 86 Die Macht des Gesanges Schiller for 87 bar solo chor orch and organ op 87 Heldenfeier for chor and orch op 89 5 groups without opus numbers Dem Kaiser for male chor w orch Denkmale des Volksgesanges folksongs of all nations set for 4 parts Hebraische Gesiinge for chor orch and org ad lib Folksongs of Wales and Scotland for male chor Vora Rhein for 4 part male chor 12 Scotch folksongs for solo voice operas Scherz Mat und Rache Goethe 1 act op 1 Die Loreley Gelbel 4 acts op 16 Hermione E Hopffner after Shakespeare's Winter's Tale 4 acts op 40 groups of songs op 4 6 15 17 18 33 5 songs for mixed chor a cappella op 38 49 64 59 60 71 Gesang der heillgen drei Konige for 3 men's voices w orch op 21 Die Prlesterln der Isis in Rom for alto solo with orch op 30 Dem der von Niichten hymn for sop solo w piano op 13 Pres of the music section Senate of the Royal Acad of Arts Mus D hon c Univ of Cambridge 1893 corresp mem French Academy 1898 received the Prussian Order pour le merlte for Arts and Sciences 1908 Berlin Friedenau Address Albe Str 3

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