Hail Mary, Star of Morning (i)
Composer: Ludwig Bonvin (1850-1939), 1914 ed.

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Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
Op.5/15 |
Ave Maria |
organ ad lib |
in The Principal Offertories ... |
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X |
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X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
Op. 5/29 |
Ave Maria zart |
Coro |
A major; (RISM) |
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X |
X |
X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
Op. 7 |
Ave Maria |
V (2) |
org |
E-flat major; (RISM)
X |
X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
Hail Mary, full of grace |
No. 106 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin) |
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Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
Virgin, wholly Marvellous |
No. 110 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin) |
X |
X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
O Virgin-mother, Pure and Fair |
No. 122 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin) |
X |
X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
We greet thee, Mary, peerless Virgin |
No. 130 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin) |
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X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
Hail Mary, Star of Morning (i) |
No. 137 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin) |
X |
X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
Hail Mary, Star of Morning (ii) |
No. 138 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin) |
X |
X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
Ave Maria, gratia plena |
No. 139 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin) |
X |
X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
Angelus Domini |
No. 191 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin) |
X |
X |
Ludwig |
Bonvin |
1850 |
1939 |
1914 |
Op. 157 |
Ave Maria by Fr. Witt,
arr. by Ludwig Bonvin |
No. 192 in 1914 Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin),
also in 1920 'Catholic Hymnal' (John G. Hacker, S.J.) |

No. 137 in 1914
Hosanna - Catholic Hymn book (Ludwig Bonvin)
Lyrics: |
source: |
1. Hail, Ma-ry, star of mor-ning,
Thou he-rald of _ the sun,
Whose light the day a-dorn-ing,
Re-vealed the Ho-ly One.
Ere time be-dan, E'en then, _
God chose thee for his mo-ther,
Thou pride of Chris-tian men. |
Ave Marie klare,
Leisentrit, 1584
Translation by Rev. George R. Woodward
Source: George Radcliffe
Woodward, ed, Songs of Syon (London: Schott & Co., Third Edition,
1908), #246
2. From throne of God supernal
Sped mighty Gabriel;
Touching the Son eternal
Good tidings for to tell:
“Hail Virgin, pure from stain!
Thou shalt be called Mother,
Yet Virgin still remain. |
4. Saith Mary, “Here behold me,
The hand-maid of the Lord;
Be it, as thou hast told me,
According to thy word!”
Thus spake that maiden bright,
Ere Gabriel departed
Upward to realms of light. |
3. The Spirit high and holy
Shall overshadow thee,
And make thee, maiden lowly,
His spotless bride to be;
Lo! God shall be thy Son;
His Name it shall be Jesus,—
None ending to his throne.” |
5. Hail Mary, sweet and tender!
Thy Son is God on high,
Th’ eternal Father’s splendour,
As Scriptures testify:
Fair Maid, thou givest birth
To Jesus Christ thy Maker,
That hath no peer on earth. |
Recording: not available |
Score: |

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