Hail Virgin, dearest Mary (May Hymn)
Composers: Anonymous

X |
Anonymous |
Hail Mary, Virgin Blessed
(May Hymn) SATB |
NS |
X |
Anonymous |
Hail Virgin, dearest Mary
(May Hymn) - solo |
NS |
X |
Anonymous |
1900 |
Virgin, dearest Mary (May Hymn) - solo + choir |
NS |
Louis |
Lambillotte |
1796-1855 |
Hail Virgin, dearest Mary
(May Hymn) - 3vv / SATB |
NS |
X |
S |
Moreno |
1890-1953 |
1933 |
Hail Virgin, dearest Mary
NS |
X |
S. M. |
Yenn |
1919 |
Hail Virgin, dearest Mary
(May Hymn)- 2vv |
NS |

X |
X |
Anonymous |
1900 |
Virgin, dearest Mary (May Hymn) - solo + choir |
NS |
X |
X |
Anonymous |
1906 |
O Dearest Mother of Mercy |
NS |

Recording: not
available |
Lyrics: |
Hail, Vir-gin! Dear-est Ma-ry, Our love-ly Queen of May,
O spot-less, bless-ed La-dy! Thy chil-dren hum-bly bend-ing,
A-round Thy shrine so dear, With heart and voice as-scend-ing,
Sweet Ma-ry, hear our pray'r, Sweet Ma ry, hear our pray'r. |
- Be-hold earth's blos soms spring-ing
In beau-teous form and hue;
All na-ture glad-ly bring-ing
Her sweet-est charms to you.
- We'll ga-ther fresh bright flo-wers,
To bind or fair Queen's brow,
From gay and ver-dant bow-ers,
We haste to crown thee now,
- The rose and li-ly wreath-ing,
the hum-ble vio-let fair,
To thee their per-fume brea-thing,
To grace yout wreath we brought,
- The mig-no-nette, the li-lac,
And sweet for-get-me-not,
The e-glan-tine and myr-tle,
To grace your wreath we brought,
- The he-lio-trope, sweet type of love,
And star of Beth-l'em too,
The li-ly of the val-ley,
Com-plete the wreath for you,
- And now, our bles-sed Mo-ther,
Smile on our fes-tal day,
Ac-cept our wreath of flo-wers,
And be our Queen of May.
Score: |

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