Hail Mary, Pearl of Grace
Composer: Anonymous - Beuron melody
Text: Rev. Bede Camm, OSB

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Richard Runciman |
Terry |
Hail Mary, Pearl of
Grace |
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Beuron melody |
Anonymous |
Hail Mary, Pearl of Grace |

Recording: not available |
Lyrics: |
Hail Ma-ry, pearl of grace,
Pure flow'r of A-dam's race,
And ves-sel rare of God's e-lec-_ tion,
Un-stained as Vir-gin snow,
Se-rene as sun-set glow,
We sin-ners crave _ thy pro-tec-_ tion.Thou Queen of high es-tate,
Con-ceiv'd im-ma-cu-late,
To form In-car-nate Love's pure dwel-_ ling,
The Spi-rit found his rest,
With-in thy sin-less breast,
And thence flow joys be-yond all tel-_ ling.
A fai-rer pu-rer Eve,
Disdst thou her fall re-trieve,
For man's debt gi-ving God in pay-_ ment:
Thy spot-less feet are pressed
up-on the ser-pent's crest,
God's stars thy crown, His sun thy rai-_ ment.Through His dear blood
who died,
By sin-ners cru-ci-fied,
Art thou pre-served, and we for-gi-_ ven,
Help us to con-quer sin,
That we may en-ter in
through Thee, the gol-den gate to Hea-_ ven.
No.107b in
1912 The Westminster
Hymnal |

Posted on YouTube: Not available at
this time. |
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