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Ave Maria  

Composer: Harold Boatrite (*1932), s.a.


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No. 2 in A Cappella Motets "Qui Seminant", "Ave Maria", "The Holy Child" (1984–2004)

Recording:  not available
MIDI / Lyrics:  not available
Score:  not available



Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
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If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

Internet references, biography information.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The music of master composer Harold Boatrite
by Michael E. Lawrence
Throughout the next week or so, I'm going to try to highlight a few of the pieces which will be sung at this week's Assumption Mass at the Camden Cathedral which have been written by present-day composers. The first is the Ave Maria of Harold Boatrite, a distinguished musician in the city of Philadelphia who taught for many years at Haverford College. Boatrite is a Mater Ecclesiae parishioner and a delightful man.

This setting of the Ave Maria is thoroughly modern, yet melodic and harmonically rich. Dare I say that there is a dash of Poulenc in this piece? It would seem so. At the same time, this music is in harmony with the polyphonic tradition of the Church. If it were to be held up next to a work by one of the great Renaissance composers such as Victoria, Tallis, or Byrd, the similarities would be apparent.

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Page last modified: July 17, 2012

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