> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Computer Games

Ave Maria 6vv.

Composer:  Gyula Bankovi (*1966), 2003
Gyula Bánkövi

Gyula Bánkövi (*1966) This music is under copyright in the USA

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  Score: can be purchased on THIS PAGE


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Internet references, biography information.
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Gyula Bánkövi

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was born in Dunaujváros, in 1966. Started to get to know arts already at the age of 6: studied ballet-dancing, playing the piano, then the bassoon. At the age of 14, his relationship with arts was interrupted as he was devoted to searching for the hidden secrets of nature, and wanted to become geologist rather than artist. At the age of 16, discovered again that art is a remedy for everythin: Turned his attention to the curious world of jazz first, then that of contemporary music. Strated to study composing under Miklós Kocsár, and continued it under Attila Bozay, at the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music. Maintained a close connection with nature, further on too, as shown also in his first successful composition entitled Hydrophony (expressing the eternal reccurrence of water). He is interested in a wide range of genres: composes for greater chamber orchestras, childrens choirs, brass-bands, solo viola, percussion instruments and electronics alike. Won several prizes at different competitions for composers. He is enthusiasticly seeking after new soundings as well unusual possibilities of ensembles of exceptional instruments affording special aesthetical experience. Since 1992 has been working for the Bartók Channel (MR3-Bartók) of Hungarian Radio as editor or specials series. His work at the Radio includes, of course, dealing with and popularizing comtemporary Hungarian music as well as monitoring, selecting, ordering the disque novelties of the world market, and editing them into the broadcast.

bulletSome prizes:
bulletIstvánffy Benedek prize (2000 - Silverwinged Butterflies),
bulletProposed work on the Rostrum of Composers in Amsterdam (2000 - Silverwinged Butterflies),
bulletProposed work on the Rostrum of Composers in Wien (2003 - Accord/ion/ concerto),
bulletErkel Prize (2004),
bulletProposed work on the Rostrum of Composers in Paris (2007 - Les fleurs du vent),
bulletThe composition of the year in Hungary - Artisjus Prize (2007 - Les fleurs du vent)
bulletLajtha Prize (2010).
bulletStage works:
bulletStruggles (percussions instruments for four players) /10'/ (1991), Recording - Hungarian Radio (1996),
bulletGaspard de la nuit - after Ravel /50'/ (2004-2005), Recording - Hungarian Composer's Union (2005),
bulletOrpheus /55'/ (2005), Recording - Hungarian Composer's Union (2005), Short version in use /11'/.
bulletWorks for unaccompanied choir:
bulletStorm and tree - for mixed choir (after three poems by Endre Ady /in Hungarian language/) /13'/ (1989),
bulletAve Maria /6'/ (2003),
bulletMagnificat /4'/ (2008),
bulletHétpupú zivatar /Thunderstorm of the seven humps/ (for children choir /in Hungarian language/) /8'/ (1992),
bulletFejenagy /Big-head/ (for children choir /in Hungarian language/) /8'/ (1994).
bulletWork for solo voices:
bulletMiserere - for four soloists (counter-tenor, 2 tenor, bass /in Latin language/) /18'/ (2001), Redording: Hungaroton HCD 32344 http://partner.hungaroton.net/en/node/3392.
bulletWorks for voice with accompaniment:
bulletTwo songs - after the poems by Puskin (sopran, piano /in Hungarian language/) /6'/ (1986).
bulletWork for solo voice with chamber ensemble:
bulletConsciousness (for bariton voice and chamber ensemble after poem having the same title by Ferenc Szabo /in Hungarian language/) /12'/ (1997), Recording: Hungaroton HCD 32344 http://partner.hungaroton.net/en/node/3392.
bulletWorks for orchestra:
bulletAccord(ion) concerto (for accordion and large orchestra) /14'/ (2002), Recording - Hungaroton HCD 32344 http://partner.hungaroton.net/en/node/3392
bulletLes fleurs du vent (for large orchestra) /18'/ (2005), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2006), 5.1 and stereo version too,
bulletDistant song - in memoriam Attila József (for large orchestra) /25'/ (2005),
bulletFigures in a Landscape (Figurák a táblán) (for large orchestra) /12'/ (2010), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2010).
bulletWorks for chamber orchestra:
bulletCurrent (Sodrás) (for piano and string orchestra) /16'/ (2002), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2002),
bulletExclamations (for two marimbas and string orchestra) /15'/ (2002), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2003), 5.1 and stereo version too,
bulletAl secco - al fresco (for chamber ensemble and sopran voice) /10'/ (2007), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2011),
bulletItinerant Spaces towards Infinity (Vándorló terek - a végtelen felé) /13'/ (2010), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2010),
bulletWorks for solo instruments:
bulletSonata - for viola /13'/ (1987), Recording - Hungarian Radio (1995),
bulletGli ultimi sospiri degli alberi (for flute) /7'/ (1997), Recording - Hungarian Radio (1999),
bulletFloating (for Accordion) /7'/ (2005), Recording - Hungarian Radio( 2006),
bulletCorale - in memoriam Luciano Berio (for piano) /6'/ (2011), Recording - Nuovi Spazi Musicali (2011).
bulletChamber music:
bulletBrass-segments (for brass quintet) /10'/ (1995), Recording - Hungarian Radio (1995),
bulletLes souvenirs de Pierrot (for Tuba and Piano) /6'/ (1988),
bulletDream and reality (for Violin and Piano) /7'/ (1996), Recording - Hungarian Radio (1997),
bulletDialogue (for four Flutes) /6'/ (1998),
bulletThe flowers of the memory (for Pipe and Cembalo) /7'/ (2000),
bulletAngeldance (for four Flutes) /8'/ (2005), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2005),
bulletDissoluzioni (Attűnések) (for three Accordions) /8'/ (2003), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2004),
bulletDuo-phantasy (for Violin and Cymbal) /8'/ (1996), Recording - Hungarian Radio (1996),
bulletI misteri delle montagne lontane (Pianoforte per quatro mani) /10'/ (2006), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2006),
bullet4x4 (for Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba) /10'/ (2010), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2010).
bulletElectroacoustic music:
bulletHydrophonie (Tape-music) /8'/ (1991), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfwrmjrI_3A,
bulletPictures from the past (Tape-music) /7'/ (1992), Recording - Hungarian Composer's Union,
bulletThe Sound of the soul (A lélek hangja) - sound poem on the basis of fragments of Zemplén /32'/ (1997), Recording - Hungarian Composer's Union,
bulletSilver-winged Butterflies - acoustic phantasy (for flute, violoncello and electroacoustic) /10'/ (1999), Recording: Hungaroton HCD 32344 http://partner.hungaroton.net/en/node/3392,
bulletThe Gate of the Hell - after the sculpture having the same title by Rodin (for string quartet and electroacoustics) /19'/ (2001), Recording - Hungaroton HCD 23244 http://partner.hungaroton.net/en/node/3392,
bulletLux aeterna (for mixed choir and electroacoustic) /15'/ (2006), Recording: Hungarian Composer's Union (5.1 and stereo version too),
bulletLes fleuves de l'obscurité (for string quartet and electroacoustics) /26'/ (2008), Recording - deSingel (2008),
bulletPainted by the Time (for two Flutes, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Violoncello and electroacoustics) /15'/ (2010), Recording - Hungarian Radio (2010).
bulletA világ vagyok - A Harmadik Magyar Köztársaság kikiáltásának 20. évfordulójara kiírt zeneszerző verseny díjazott alkotása, József Attila A Dunánál c. versének utolsó két versszakára /2'/ (2009),
bulletNo.1. - gyermekkar-vegyeskar-zenekar,
bulletNo.2. - vegyeskar-zenekar,
bulletNo.3. - vegyeskar zongorakísérettel,
bulletNo.4. - vegyeskar a cappella,
bulletNo.5. - egyszólamú vegyeskar zongorakísérettel,
bulletNo.6. - egyszólamú egynemű kar zongorakísérettel.

Each composition is published by Hangvarazs Bt. H-1126, Budapest, Márvány utca 29. II/5.


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